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Every Monday you will get a weekly forecast - sometimes brief, sometimes long. It will tell you what you should expect from your number combinations (just like a FREE monthly forecast, but with more specific day-by-day details).

Every week you will get a longer, more in-depth serendipitous message similar to this email. It will reach you on the moment when you need it most. It could be 1 am or 4 pm. It could be Tuesday or Sunday. It could be a book summary, a reflection based on a philosopher's thoughts or a clear announcement of an upcoming opportunity. It will depend on what the ancient algorithm decides you need at on that very moment.

Your membership also gives you unlimited access to compatibility reports, our original online courses, and many more exclusive sections of our platform.


What Makes Teledipity PREMIUM so special?

You’ve been reading your FREE Teledipity forecasts. You’re excited about every single MIRACLE and OPPORTUNITY we’ve been outlining.

You have dreams (and they're not just about your career). They're based on a definition of happiness that is far more evolved than the one you had before joining us.

Every piece of that vision is possible, but sometimes you wonder if you have what it takes to make it happen.

You wonder if the universe will cooperate.

You wonder if you'll be able to make the right decisions at the right times.

You wonder if the journey will become a grand obstacle course that only a skilled mind could conquer.

And the more you think about the details, the more you start hearing that pesky “little voice”:

What if I’m crazy and this is actually impossible?

Maybe this isn’t what I should be doing.

What if I’m not ready to get this now?

What if my past successes were a fluke and has my good luck has run out?

Maybe my plans aren't aligned.

Maybe I won't execute them in the right timeline.

Maybe I won't have the courage to take the big risks.

Once that little voice takes over, it is not uncommon to be enveloped by a secondary (and far more uncomfortable) emotion: SHAME.

You feel SHAME that you have that little voice (and that you secretly listen to it).

You feel SHAME that you can't seem to get rid of it (and that it might ruin your potential if you don't).

You feel SHAME that you seem to be one of the few people in the world who has it.

We know this spiral well because we've experienced it.

It's very easy to predict because it's UNIVERSAL.

Some people call it ANXIETY.

Others say it is INDECISION.

Others have used stronger words like NEUROTICISM.

We could not disagree more.

It’s not a special weakness only a few humans are bound by.

It's a common train of thought emerging from our collective eliefs.

For decades - we've been taught very specific and unquestionable laws around the art of "chasing dreams" or materializing a better life".

We've been taught that it takes HARD WORK and BOLD RISKS.

We've been told that we must SACRIFICE everything else until we receive.

We've been programmed to beleive that there is a "secret" way of thinking, acting and deciding - one that a few group of special people "have mastered" and that we could learn in order to achieve the same results.

If miracles can only be created with a secret recipe of RIGHT MINDSET combined with RIGHT DECISIONS and IMMACULATE SELF-CONFIDENCE, it's no wonder most of us feel like we fall short.

But those beliefs could not be more wrong.

Chasing dreams isn't about INTELLIGENCE, SPEED or COURAGE.

Building a better life isn't about WORKING HARD all the time and SACRIFICING everything else until you earn the big prize.

Taking risks doesn't guarantee anything. Working hard doesn't guarantee anything. Even beleiving in yourself doesn't guarantee anything.

Big changes and mind-blowing strokes of good fortune are invited in by mastering the skill of SURRENDER.

CHASING a dream is:

FIRST: The art of CLARIFYING what you want;

SECOND: The art of BELIEVING you have everything you need to attract it;

THIRD: The art of trusting the impulses that come from within that tell you when and how you should ACT in order to get yourself closer to it;


FOURTH: the art of SURRENDERING the rest to the universe.

SURRENDERING is knowing that the universe has you covered without any further interference (and trusting it is still working even when the evidence says otherwise).

SURRENDERING is remaining still and patient after you’ve CLARIFIED, BELIEVED and ACTED, letting go of the rest and trusting that if further action is required, the universe will be sure to let you know.

The universe always lets you know.

It makes you feel the strong impulse to DO SOMETHING SPECIFIC when it is time. You feel this insatiable hunger:

“I must go talk to that person.”
“I must go online and look at what jobs are open right now.”
“I must search this specific thing on Google, and something special will come up.”

Impulses are how the universe sends us messages. Impulses are what it uses to let us know it's time to act. Impulses are those "crazy ideas" that lead us straight into the MIRACLES. If you don't have an impulse then you're not supposed to act.

You see...when it comes to the art of manifestation, SURRENDERING is far more important than ACTING.

So long as you DON’T feel that impulse to act…

…so long as a strange energy within makes you feel calm and peaceful and even happy while you wait…

…so long as you feel whole and “CORRECT” remaining still…

…the universe is asking you to SURRENDER, not ACT.

When you know you’re in a time of SURRENDER, your only homework is to hold on to faith while you wait.

SURRENDER is hard. SUDDENDER is the part we struggle with the most.

It’s the part that always brings back those negative thoughts we thought we had moved past.

We knock on a door happy and excited, and it is locked. We feel rejected. We wonder if we failed. We don’t SURRENDER.

We move to the job we thought would be perfect, and it brings challenges. We feel duped. We wonder if we were wrong. We don’t SURRENDER.

We build the store or restaurant or site, it reflects our visions, and it is live. The sales don’t come (or they are not enough). We think we failed. We don’t SURRENDER.

And thus, we react.

“I did it wrong.”
“This isn’t right.”
“I need to do something else.”
“I need to change the strategy.”
“I should be farther ahead.”

And guess what? ACTING from that state of mind is never a good idea.

It is ACTION from anxiety, fear and self-doubt.

It is ACTION from a lack of faith in the universe.

It is ACTION from a vibration of desperation.

That kind of ACTION only pushes the dream farther and farther away.

If you trust the universe and you’ve done all you can, why lose hope when you don’t get your reward exactly when you expect it?

Why get angry when the result is not fitting YOUR timeline?

Why throw your entire spiritual self out the window when there is no evidence you have actually failed?

You trust the universe, right?

You know it wants nothing more than to reward you, right?

You know you deserve it, right?

So why not SURRENDER for once?

In the materialization of dreams, CLEAR GOALS matter, ACTION matters, BELIEVING IN YOURSELF matters….but SURRENDERING is the most important part.

SURRENDERING is where many reverse the process (and sometimes push away their own rewards).


I’m sure you’ve noticed, but it’s important to say it anyway: we designed Teledipity PREMIUM to help us with the SURRENDER part.

It’s a platform designed to encourage you to CLARIFY and BELIEVE and ACT, but at its core…it doesn’t help you do any of those things.

You do them naturally. You don’t need Teledipity for that.

You need Teledipity for the SURRENDER part.

It tells you “January is not the time”, and you let go of the expectation. You surrender.

It tells you “the year will be slow but full of blessings”, and you stop expecting fast. You stop focusing on your professional goals as the only thing that needs "work" in your life. You let them be and focus on your relationships. You surrender.

It tells you "go all in…but don’t expect that big explosion of good luck (at least not now)”. You stop wanting to do it fast. You drop the expectation that you should FINISH EVERYTHING in three months. You get comfortable with slow. You find your peace. You surrender.

As humans, it is important to sometimes feel almighty and powerful - like we can take on the reins of our lives and manifest anything we want. But that powerful energy will always need its polar opposite in order to be truly balanced: a deep seethed faith in something greater than ourselves.

Chasing dreams, after all, is a co-creation between us and the universe. It is a tennis match. When the ball is in our court we call it "ACTING". When we hit it back to the universe we call it "SURRENDER".

That’s what Teledipity PREMIUM is all about. We’ve spent the last two years injecting the ART of SURRENDER into a new, never before seen mobile app experience. It is called Teledipity PREMIUM.

This membership includes two weekly premium emails (including a weekly forecast similar to the monthly forecasts you've come to know and love), unlimited digital compatibility reports, and access to all of our e-courses, including 6 Steps to Mastering the 21st Century: A Pythagorean Guide to Building Dreams.]

It's the Teledipity experience you've come to know and love, but on STEROIDS (with 10+ emails per month and a more active interaction with the newest sections of our software and algorithms).